Grace & Community News


This Week at and away from Grace

What is happening at our church? View this email in your browser This Week at and away from Grace Continuing the God’s Work Our Hands tradition, the youth of Grace invite you to participate in a new configuration of this congregational community service day.   They...

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Upcoming Spiritual Retreat with Bishop Laurie

  A Spiritual Retreat with the Bishop Saturday, September 12, from 9:00 am till 12:00 pm   Retreat Schedule: 9:00 Centering ourselves in scripture, prayer and song                                               9:20 Introduction of leader and the day 9:30 Introductions...

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September E-news! Oregon Synod

  ANNOUNCEMENTS   Synod Day of Learning! September 19, 9:00 am-5:30 pm This one-day virtual event is for everyone.  Tell your friends and invite your congregation! You can come to one-session, or all day.  Our keynote speaker is Randy Woodley, Keetoowah Cherokee...

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This Week at and away from Grace

  This Week at and away from Grace   This Sunday, August 30, 2020 10 am Please join Grace Lutheran Church for a Live Stream Worship Service on YouTube, followed by Communion via Zoom at 11am.   This will be the final worship service with Pr. Netsie and Pr. Wendell at...

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Farewell Event for Pastors! This Sat. 7pm.

Farewell Event for Pastors! This Sat. 7pm.

Dear Friends & Members of Grace,  You are invited              to a special "party" as Grace Lutheran Church wishes a Fond Farewell & Blessed Retirement to Pastors Wendell Hendershott & Netsie Griffith.When:  Saturday, August 29 Time:   7 - 8:30 pm Where: ...

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This Week at and away from Grace

This Week at and away from Grace The Eucharist. Please join each other again for this Sunday's Communion service at 11:00 on ZOOM. You simply need to have ready your own wine, grape juice, or apple juice as you choose, in a separate glass for each person.  And have a...

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