by Shelly | Dec 19, 2022 | Chirstmas Events, Sermons
Christ is born to live among us As on the first day of creation, on this Christmas Day the Word illumines the world, shining forth to bring all things into being. Today we celebrate the incarnate Word, God becoming flesh to live among us in the person of Jesus Christ...
by Shelly | Dec 17, 2022 | Announcements, Chirstmas Events
The Light has come into the World! All are invited to Christmas Eve Worship Our waiting is rewarded with the birth of Jesus this night. We celebrate God’s presence among us and the incarnation of God’s message of peace on earth. Our hope is to...
by Shelly | Nov 21, 2022 | Announcements, Chirstmas Events
If you can’t make it to one of the in-person services… please view the recorded Advent worship from 2020. Sharing Advent with sister Lutheran churches This Advent season Grace participants will have opportunities to better know our church siblings...
by Office | Dec 18, 2020 | Chirstmas Events
It’s Christmas Eve! Joy to the World! Join the Worship! 5 pm Service on YouTube Channel 6:30 pm Eucharist through Zoom – (Link Here) 7 pm on cable TV Channel 29 (Corvallis Public Access channel) Find all the meditations, readings, and prayers we...
by Shelly | Dec 8, 2020 | Chirstmas Events
Waiting for the unfolding of a new creation 3rd Week of Advent In the beautiful contempletive music of Holden Evening Prayer, we hear a message of hope and anticipation. Worship LiturgyOrder of Worship & lessons Click Here WORSHIP VIDEO CLICK HERE Learning...
by Shelly | Dec 8, 2020 | Chirstmas Events
Waiting for the unfolding of a new creation 2nd Week of Advent In the beautiful contempletive music of Holden Evening Prayer, we hear a message of hope and anticipation. Worship LiturgyOrder of Worship & lessons Click Here WORSHIP VIDEO CLICK HERE Learning...