Growing in Faith


Children’s Sunday School:     

We offer Sunday School between worship services for ages 3 to adult, from approximately 10:45am. Nursery care is available for children 3 and under. Classes start the Sunday after Labor Day to mid-June.

Middle school

Students are generally preparing for confirmation through education and service opportunities.  Please contact the Pastor or Youth & Families Minister to learn more.

High School:

The high school youth meet during the education time to explore living faith in Christ through discussion and service.


A variety of classes are offered each Sunday, usually in the form of a short-term discussion series. Current schedules with topics and classroom locations are printed every other month and are available in the entry. Grab some coffee and join in!



Children and Youth January Newsletter

Link for Discovery Days:   Many thanks, Shae Parsons Director of Youth and Family Ministries They/Them | |...

Worship December 11 – Advent – Nativity Program telling the story

Rejoicing while waiting for the KingA note of joyful expectation marks today’s worship. Isaiah announces that the desert shall rejoice and blossom, and Jesus points to the unexpected and transforming signs of God’s reign. We wait with patience for the coming of the...

Trunk or Treat – Monday, October 31

Halloween is Coming!!    Inviting All Children! Monday, October 31     4 - 6pm   Welcome, All the young witches, super heros, storybook characters, or whoever you are for the night,  Come in costume to Trick or Treat at all the decorated vehicles in the Grace...