Grace gives out assistance to neighbors in need in our community with financial help, gas vouchers, and sack snacks. These hand-ups help ease the burden of scarcity for many local folks. Just recently, we had a prior assistance recipient come in to let us know that he...
Color with Women of the ELCA Women of the ELCA has joined the adult coloring book craze and now has coloring resources that encourage prayer and reflection. Visit to download a free series of five devotions that are connected to the...
Augsburg Confession On June 25, 1530, the Lutheran reformers presented the Augsburg Confession to Emperor Charles, of the Holy Roman Empire. It summarized the teachings of the evangelical reformers. It was an attempt to find common ground with their opponents and...
Did you know that prior to 1988, the ELCA did not exist? The ELCA is now the largest Lutheran body in the USA with about 5 million members. The ELCA is a product of the merger of the Lutheran Church in America (LCA), the American Lutheran Church (ALC), and the...