Sent to share Good News supported by God’s love

God does not promise that the path of the disciple will be easy. Jeremiah feels the pain of rejection from those who do not want to hear what he has to say. Jesus declares that his words may bring stark division. Even so, we need not be afraid for God accounts for each hair on our heads. Though we may experience rejection, frustration, division, and death, God’s grace and love make us a new creation each day.

Marked with the cross and filled with holy food, we are sent from worship to witness to Christ in the world.



Worship via Livestream

Worship with Grace In-Person or Virtually

Service at 10:00am

Worship Liturgy

Order of Worship & lessons

Find all livestreamed services on Grace’s   YouTube channel 

Offerings of Thanksgiving

While we are keeping physical social distance, there are still options for you to continue bringing your offerings to God and support the ministries of Grace.

Giving Options:

  • Mail a check to church address below
  • Online bill pay through your bank
  • Online giving – Orange button

Go in peace to love and serve the Lord!