If you can’t make it to one of the in-person services…

please view the recorded Advent worship from 2020. 

Sharing Advent with sister Lutheran churches


This Advent season Grace participants will have opportunities to better know our church siblings at Faith and Good Shepherd Lutheran churches.  The Holden Evening Prayer liturgy will be used for all three weeks.

 For the three mid-week Advent gatherings, we will enjoy soup suppers and worship together rotating through each location.  We will meet at Grace at 5:30pm to coordinate rides to Albany. 

Each week,

    • 6 pm Soup Supper
    • 7pm Worship using the Holden Evening Prayer liturgy

Wednesday, November 30

Faith Lutheran Church, Albany

930 SW Queen Ave, Albany, OR 97321

Wednesday, December 7

Grace Lutheran Church

435 NW 23rd Street

Corner of Kings & Harrison Blvds

Soup and Supper contributions are needed.

Wednesday, December 14

Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Albany

1910 34th Ave SE, Albany, OR 97322