From Dave Lundahl’s contribution to this year’s Avent Devotional Guide:
Inspiration to Prophesy
It is so intriguing to read about Zechariahs being inspired by the Holy Spirit to prophesy that God will soon keep His covenant by sending into the world a savior to rescue the Israelites from their enemies. His vision occurs at the circumcision and naming of his son (John the Baptist) where the Holy Spirit speaks through him to claim the he will be the prophet sent to prepare the way of the Lord.
I love the imagery of this passage from the horn as a symbol of power to save to the rising sun in reference to the coming of the Messiah that will shine on the darkness to vanquish death and guide the people of God.
Dave wrote “Zechariahs Song” and performed it with Grace Alive! at the 11:00 am service on December 9th.