This Week at Grace


This Weeks Calendar

Sun, Mar. 7- Third Sunday in Lent
                      10 am – Live Stream Worship Service
11 am – Zoom Communion
Mon, Mar. 8 – 11 am – 4pm – Office staff on site
Church Council meeting via zoom
Tue, Mar. 9– 3:30 pm – Freedom of a Christian book study
7pm – Worship and Music Zoom meeting
Wed, Mar. 10 – 6:30 pm – Adult Bible Study Zoom Meeting
7 pm – Mid Week Lenten Worship Service on YouTube
Thurs, Mar. 11 – 9am – 4pm – Office Staff on Site
12 pm – Wisdom Seekers Zoom Meeting
2pm – Communications Committee meeting via zoom
3pm – Conversation in Spanish zoom meeting
7pm – The Cup of our Life Spiritual Retreat via zoom
Sat, Mar. 13 – Video Worship Rehearsal
Sun, Mar. 14  Forth Sunday in Lent
                        10 am – Live Stream Worship
11 am – Zoom Communion




Christ in Our Home Deveotional
April, May, and June

Now Available in the Church Office


Wednesday Adult Bible Study

The Adult Bible Study will be starting a new book in March 2021.

The group meets on Wednesday at 6:30 pm via zoom.

To find out more information or to sign up for this bible study, please contact Frank and Sue Dave.


March is Women’s History Month and I propose a little fun – who wants in? I propose a discovery group that begins this month with a little sleuthing. We’ll find 7 Biblical women who lived in times of transition & change (nominate your favorites!) and then discover what their experiences might have to offer us as wisdom for our times. Then, in April, we’ll come up with a way to celebrate the Easter new life they embody. It’s said that there are seven living generations right now. Could we find or imagine people of all generations who embody the way of life we learn from the seven Biblical women? If you want ‘in’ or want to know a little more, please contact Donna at donnak@grace97330.

Can’t wait!


Holy Week Schedule
March 28, 2021 
Palm/Passion Sunday 
April 1, 2021
Maundy Thursday Service
April 2, 2021
Good Friday Service
April 3, 2021 
Easter Vigil Drop-In 
April 4, 2021


“I lift up my eyes to the hills – from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth” (Psalm 121:1-2).

Dear friends,

The last year has been full of changes and challenges for all of us. Now we are again witnessing a devastating disaster amid the ongoing pandemic. As neighbors in Christ, we have an opportunity to share God’s hope, healing and renewal with each other.

Beginning Feb. 14, a polar vortex descended over the United States. Subfreezing temperatures and heavy snow swept across the country, impacting millions of people. The harsh conditions severely impacted Southern states, such as Texas, which lack the infrastructure to handle the freezing temperatures and record-setting snow and ice. This has led to power, food and water shortages throughout the region. At its peak, 4.5 million homes and businesses in Texas were without power. With bursting pipes and broken water systems, around 10 million Texans are facing water disruptions. As temperatures rise, melting ice and snow is expected to cause more water damage.

Lutheran Disaster Response is collaborating with the Texas-Louisiana Gulf Coast Synod, the Southwestern Texas Synod, the Northern Texas-Northern Louisiana Synod, and Lutheran Social Services Disaster Response. Congregations are already conducting relief efforts such as supplying water, food and generators to those in need and opening their doors to serve as shelters. Long-term recovery may include repairing water-damaged homes, disaster case management and supporting vulnerable populations.

Please give today. Your gifts ensure that our church will be able to provide help and hope for those whose lives have been devastated by the severe storms in Texas. Gifts designated for “U.S. Severe Storms” will be used entirely (100%) for direct response.

Together, we can help provide immediate and long-lasting support for those whose lives have been impacted by severe winter storms and subfreezing temperatures in Texas. Doing this we reflect Christ’s light and hope to our neighbors in their time of need. For updates on this and other disasters, follow Lutheran Disaster Response on Facebook.

Give Today


Please remember to log your attendance for viewing the worship service.  Attendance can be logged on:


Grace Lutheran Church worship services are now being aired on Xfinity Cable channel 29 on Sunday’s at 10 am.  Services will air the previous weeks service.  

Spread the word for people who can not access the worship services online.


If you are interested in a printed copy of the March issues of Grace Gatherings please contact the church office to have a copy mailed to you.


If you need a book from the Grace Lutheran Church Library, we will get it to you!!  Have you checked out the new online catalog yet? Try
Or go to the Grace website, under Resources, click on Grace Library. Click on any book, then the button that says Ask About Becoming a Library Patron. Enter your name and email and/or phone and we will contact you.

Thank you to everybody who has been returning the blue bottle drop bags.

Between September 1 and November 15,, 2020, members of Grace Lutheran Church have turned in over $275 in cans and bottles.  This money will go towards our IDA Fund and will continue our mission in assisting members of our community who are in need.


The Reopening Committee has been working hard on creating protocols for small group gatherings happening at Grace.  

For the safety of all individuals entering Grace Lutheran Church, we ask that all small groups who are meeting at Grace call and email the church office to get your meeting on the online calendar.  These protocols will be posted in multiple locations around the church, can be emailed to you, or can be found at:

Please call the church at 541-757-1600 and email us at to get your gathering put on the online calendar.



Giving at a Glance
Support the many ministries of Grace Lutheran

 Contributions as of February 28, 2021

Contributions for the Month of February: $ 32,002;
February’s Budget:  $ 31,000;
Last 2 Weeks Giving: $ 10,653;
Weekly Budget: $ 7,750;
YTD contributions:  $ 57,247;
YTD budget:  $ 63,200


Attention all individuals entering Grace

As of July 1, 2020 all individuals entering Grace are required to wear a face covering.  If you do not have a face covering, individually wrapped masks are available at the sign in station.

Sign in forms have been placed at the entry/exit doors at Grace Lutheran Church.

Please fill out the form upon entering the building.  Writing utensils are provided, but personal writing utensils can be used.  To maintain the safety of all individuals entering Grace, please follow the posted instructions.

Press Release
Alcoholics Anonymous:  COVID-19 Response

Life without drinking is still possible during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Corvallis—Local Alcoholics Anonymous groups have temporarily closed the doors of face-to-face meetings due to the coronavirus pandemic. However, those struggling with drinking are still in need of support during this difficult time. Those in need can still access the support AA provides through the local hotline and virtual meetings.

The local hotline number is (541) 967-4252. It is answered 24-hours a day, seven days a week by members of the local AA community.
Many local and global AA groups are hosting meetings virtually.  You can attend virtual meetings on your computer, smartphone, or by dialing in. Attendees will remain anonymous and need only introduce themselves by their first names.

To access both local and global meetings occurring online 24-hours a day, visit the District 21 website:
More information about what AA is and does can be found at: