This Week at Grace


This Week at Grace

Sun 12/3
10 am—Worship Service
Following Worship—Pot Luck and Advent Wreath making
Mon 12/4
9 am—4 pm — Office Staff On Site
6 pm—Boy Scouts
Tues 12/5
11:30 am—Coffee with Kristin
1 pm—Global Book Club
7 pm—W& M Committee in person
Wed 12/6
6 pm—Advent Soup Supper
7 pm—Advent mid Week Worship
Thurs 12/7
9 am  – 4 pm—Office Staff on Site
11:30 am—Coffee with Kristin
12 pm—Wisdom Seekers
3 pm—Conversation in Spanish
5:30 pm—Choir Practice
6 pm—Boy Scouts
6:30 pm—Worship Rehearsal
Sun 12/10—Giving Tree Present Donation Deadline
10 am—Worship Service
4 pm—Private Recital





Wednesday Advent Soup Supper

We are needing individuals to help with Advent Soup Suppers.  

If you are interested in bringing soup or bread, helping set up or to help clean up, sign ups are in the church entry.


The Giving Tree is now up in the Entry at Grace

Unwrapped Gifts shall be placed in the box int eh Fireside Room.

Deadline for Gifts is Sunday, December 10, 2023


Meeting is the first Tuesday of Each Month
1 pm in the Fireside Room
Complete 2023/2024 book list
Upcoming Books for 2023
December 5
The Last Train to London by Meg Waite Clayton
January 2
The Water Defenders
: How Ordinary People Saved a Country from Corporate Greed
February 6
Tightrope: Americans Reaching for Hope by Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WeDunn.



Ladies Luncheon

December 12 , 2023
Corvallis Club 



Conversation in Spanish Returns
s, at 3 pm.

Do you already know Spanish and want to grow in your ability to Speak Spanish.

The purpose of the Conversation Group is to allow individuals who already speak some Spanish an opportunity to  continue growing in their ability to become more fluent in the language.  It is not a class to teach Spanish.  Group meetings are held once a week for one hour at Grace Lutheran Church. For more information contact, in English, Juan Guzman at


New Book Starts November 2
The Wisdom Seekers Book Group will be starting a new book on Thursday, November 2nd – The First Christmas: What the Gospels Really Teach About Jesus’s Birth by Marcus Borg and John Dominic Crossan, described as a fresh, deep, and new understanding of the nativity story, enabling us to better appreciate the powerful message of the Gospels.”
Meetings are at noon every Thursday via Zoom, covering about 30 pages each week. 
Please join us for some fun discussions!  If you would like to do so, please contact Mark Klopsch at
so that he can add you to the Zoom invitation.



New Christ in Our Home Devotional
October – December 2023

Now Available in the Church Office and Church Entry


Bottle Drop Bags continue to be available in the church office.

Grace Lutheran Church continues to have blue bottle drop bags available for church members.  All donations made through these special blue bottle drop bags and label will go directly towards the Ida Fund that assists with community members in need.  Grace continues to hand out sack lunches on Monday and Thursdays.  Emergency assistance for Gas, utility bills, and other needs continues to be available on Thursdays.

In 2022, Grace Lutheran Church has been able to raise over$1,000 towards the Ida fund that helps community members with emergency assistance such as gas vouchers, paying a bill, or other assistance.  




Out-and-About Office Hours 
Kristin will be available for “office hours”  on Tuesdays and  Thursdays from 11:30am-1pm. Contact Kristin to set up a location or drop by Luther House.


If you are interested in a printed copy of the December 2023 issue of Grace Gatherings, please contact the church office to have one mailed to you.  Printed copies of Grace Gatherings and The Foundation Newsletter are available in the church entry.  

Link to the December 2023 Grace Gatherings:

Deadline for Grace Gathering Articles is now the 15th of each month.  In order to ensure your articles get into the current issue, please get all articles to Andrea in the church office on time.


If you need a book from the Grace Lutheran Church Library, we will get it to you!!  Have you checked out the new online catalog yet? Try
Or go to the Grace website, under Resources, click on Grace Library. Click on any book, then the button that says Ask About Becoming a Library Patron. Enter your name and email and/or phone and we will contact you.



Giving at a Glance
Support the many ministries of Grace Lutheran

Contributions as of November 26, 2023
Contributions for the Month of November:   $16,744;
November Budget: $21,200;
First 4 Weeks Giving: $16,744
Weekly Budget: $4,240;
(5 weeks in October); 
YTD contributions:  $255,537;  
YTD budget:  $267,860