This Week at Grace


This Week at Grace

Sun 7/7
10 am—Worship Service
Following Worship—Sack Lunch Work Party
Following Worship—New Member Class

Mon 7/8
9 am—4 pm—Office Staff On Site
6 pm—Boy Scouts
6:45 pm—Church Council

Tue 7/9
11:45 am—Ladies Luncheon

Wed 7/10
11 am—Library Work Party
1 pm—Quilting Sewing
1 pm—Bible Study

Thurs. 7/11
9 am  – 4 pm—Office Staff on Site
12 pm—Wisdom Seekers
6:30 pm—Music Rehearsal

Sun 7/14
10 am—Worship Service
11:30 am—Outreach Committee meeting 


Ladies Luncheon

July 9, 2024
at New Morning Bakery

July 23, 2024
at El Sol de Mexico


Lost and Found items are in the Fireside Room

Please look through the boxes.  All unclaimed items will be donated after July 30.


Vina Moses Youth Sock and Underwear Drive

We will be collecting Socks and Underwear for Youth PreK to 12th Grace

Please place donations in the yellow box in the Fireside Room.
Deadline July 21, 2024


Monday Musing
July 1 and 15, 2024 at 6 pm
at Common Fields

Monday musings happen on the first and third Monday of the month. This Monday we will muse on the topic of taking the Lord’s name in vain. What have you been taught this means? What do you think this means? Come muse with us at Common Fields at 6pm


New Christ in Our Home Devotional
July  – September 2024

Now Available in the Church Office and Church Entry


July Activities

Float Trip—July 21

Upcoming August Activities

Blueberry Picking and Jam Making

BBQ and Tie Die



This includes everyone at Grace

Where:  Kris and Carol Warloe’s Home

When:  Saturday, July 27, 2024 at 5:00 pm

BBQ Chicken, Brauts, and Drinks Provided

Bring a Side Dish or Dessert to Share, Your own plates and Silverware

Games and Music Provided

Sign up Sheet in the Fireside Room


Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Each Blood Drive Grace has a goal to bring in a specific number of units.  In July the goal is 20 units.  If Grace meets this goal, the American Red Cross will give Grace a $100 Amazon gift Card.

Each donor will also receive a gift from the American Red Cross

Please contact The American Red Cross to sign up or for more information


Sack Lunch Program at Grace

Grace will be partnering with Vina Moses to provide more community members with Sack Lunches.

Grace is collecting items to go into the sack lunches.  Please see list below or the May issue of Grace Gatherings.

Please put donated items in the box in the office.

Items we are looking for
Drinks – Juice Boxes, Capri Sun, or small bottles of water.
Granola or Fruit and Grain Bars
Fruit Cups
Puddings or other treats
Napkins, spoons, and paper bags

Grace will be providing the protein source, but additional non refrigerated protein sources can be donated.  All items will be packed in their original packaging, so please buy in individual sizes.


The Global Book club will return in September 2024

The Complete 2024-2025 book list can be found at the link below.  Printed copies of the complete book list can be found in the church entry


Courtyard Memorial Stones

  If you are interested in memorializing someone in the courtyard, please contact Carol Warloe


Are you the last one leaving Grace?  When you leave Grace are you aware of who is still in the building?

If you are the last one in the building, or you are one of the last ones leaving Grace, please make sure that all the lights are turned off, all the doors are closed and locked, and the exhaust fans in the restrooms are turned off.  


Willing to help with worship?

We need people to help in the altar guild, to usher, serve communion, and host the coffee fellowship after church. Please give it a try. If you need training we’re happy to help with that.

Please use the SignUpGenius link

If you would like me to sign you up or need help please ask me or send me an email.
If you bookmark this link you can use it in the future.

To sign up:
Click on the link, pick a day and your service choice.
Click in that box.
Scroll to the bottom of the page. Click the “submit and sign up” box. (If you don’t see one, there may be an ad or notice at the bottom of the page that you need to close).
On the next page fill in your name and email then scroll down and click on  the “sign up now” box.  

Marshall Hill-Tanquist 



Stone Soup Volunteers Needed
3rd Sunday of Each Month
1:30 – 5:30 pm

This will be helping cook the Stone Soup Meal.

If interested, please contact Frank Davis or Elaine Franklin


Medical Equipment Closet

If you are needing any medical equipment, please contact Cathy Mueller or the office to learn more information about borrowing somethign from Grace.


Oregon Bottle Drop Bags
Available in the Church Entry

Blue Bags can now be found in the church entry on the table in the corner.

All funds raised go towards helping our Community Members in need.


New Book Started March 21

The Wisdom Seekers Book Group started a new book on Thursday, March 21st – Jesus Through Middle Eastern Eyes:  Cultural Studies in the Gospels by Kenneth E. Bailey.  As a master of Middle Eastern culture,  Bailey examines the life and ministry of the person and significance of Jesus within his own cultural context.

 Meetings are at noon every Thursday via Zoom, covering about 30 pages each week.

Please join us for some fun discussions!  If you would like to do so, please contact Mark Klopsch at so that he can add you to the Zoom invitation.




If you need a book from the Grace Lutheran Church Library, we will get it to you!!   Check out the new online catalog at
Or go to the Grace website, under Resources>Grace Library. 


Giving at a Glance
Support the many ministries of Grace Lutheran

Contributions as of May 24, 2024

Contributions for the Month of May: $22,060;
May Budget: $31,100;
First 3 Weeks Giving: $22,060
Weekly Budget: $7,775;
(4 weeks in May)
YTD contributions: $130,500;
YTD budget:  $140,925