This Week at Grace

This Weeks Calendar

Sat, July 30 – 10 am – Funeral Set up in Fireside Room
                        2 pm – Funeral
Sun, July 31 – 10 am – in person and Live Stream Worship Service
 1 pm – Hike at McDonald Forest
Mon, August 1   Office Closed
Tue, August 2 –  7 pm – Worship and Music Meeting via Zoom
Wed, August 3 – 12 pm- Library Work Party
Thurs, August 4 – 9 am – 4pm – Office Staff on Site 

                              11:30 – 1:30  pm -Out and About with Kristin
                               3 pm – Conversation in Spanish zoom meeting
                               6:30 pm – Music Rehearsal

Sun, August 7 – 10 am – in person and Live Stream Worship Service Worship
11:30 am – First Sundy of the Month Pot Luck

Summer Hikes in July

Join us for some Hikes this July at 1pm.
Contact Kendra Wollert if you have any questions

Upcoming Dates

July 31st: McDonald Dunn forest- meet at Kendra’s house 918 NW Raintree Dr, Corvallis

Please stay tuned for hikes in August.

First Sunday of the Month Pot Luck
Sunday, August 7, 2022
Following Worship

Bring a Dish to Share, Yard Games, and Friends.

Ladies Luncheon

August 9, 2022 11:45am
at Old World Deli

August 23, 2022 11:45am
Watch for updated location

Graduate Send Off
Sunday, August 28, 2022

If you would like to help out with Care Packages or Sponsoring a Graduate, please contact Kristin.

Backpacks for Garfield

Collection will run from August 1 to August 21, 2022

Please place donations int eh box int eh fireside room.

See the August issue of Grace Gatherings for more information

Church Picnic
Sunday, August 28, 2022 at 12:30pm
Willamette Park Rotary Shelter

Bring a Dish to Share.  Council will provide Soft Drinks, Dogs and Buns.

Out-and-About Office Hours 
Kristin will be available for “office hours” at Allan’s Coffee and Tea (2541 NW Monroe Ave), Thursdays from 11:30am-1pm. Drop in and say hi!  If possible, please contact Kristin to set up a time.

Float Time on the River

Sunday, August 14, 2022
at 12:30pm

Will meet at Willameette Park

Contact Kristin with any questions

New Grace Gallery Display in Ronnenkamp Hall

Paintings and Photography by Jim Wernz

Wisdom Seekers

New Book Starts September 8, 2022

Wisdom Seekers meets Thursdays at 12pm via zoom.

The book will be The Rapture Exposed: The Message of Hope in the Book of Revelation by Barbara R. Rossing

For more information please contact Mark Klopsch at

New Christ in Our Home Devotional
July – September 2022

Now Available in the Church Office and Church Entry

Adult Bible Study will return to in person study in September 2022.

Please contact Frank and Sue Davis if you woould like to receive digital study material.

Global Book Club

Global Book Club will return on the First Tuesday of September int eh Fireside Room.

The Complete 2022-2023 Book List:


If you are interested in a printed copy of the August 2022 issues of Grace Gatherings please contact the church office to have a copy mailed to you.  Printed copies of Grace Gatherings, The Foundation Newsletter, and the August events insert are now available in the church entry.

Link to the July 2022 Grace Gatherings:

Deadline for Grace Gathering Articles is now the 15th of each month.  In order to ensure your articles get into the current issue, please get all articles to Andrea in the church office on time.

If you need a book from the Grace Lutheran Church Library, we will get it to you!!  Have you checked out the new online catalog yet? Try
Or go to the Grace website, under Resources, click on Grace Library. Click on any book, then the button that says Ask About Becoming a Library Patron. Enter your name and email and/or phone and we will contact you.

Thank you to everybody who has been returning the blue bottle drop bags.

Grace Lutheran Church continues to have blue bottle drop<![if !vml]><![endif]> bags available for church members.  All donations made through these special blue bottle drop bags and label will go directly towards the Ida Fund that assists with community members in need.  Grace continues to hand out sack lunches on Monday and Thursdays.  Emergency assistance for Gas, utility bills, and other needs continues to be available on Thursdays.

In 2021, Grace Lutheran Church has been able to raise over$1,000 towards the Ida fund that helps community members with emergency assistance such as gas vouchers, paying a bill, or other assistance.

Giving at a Glance
Support the many ministries of Grace Lutheran

Contributions as of
July 19, 2022

Contributions for the Month of July: $17,323;
July Budget: $21,000;
First 3 Weeks Giving: $17,323;
Weekly Budget: $5,250 (4 weeks in June);
YTD contributions:  $181,642;
YTD budget:  $185,450

Updated Covid-19 Protocols and information for the Church building. 
Updated March 25, 2022

Masks and Face Coverings 
Individuals entering Grace are encouraged but not required to wear a face covering for Worship Services.  At this time, we are asking that individuals entering Grace Monday – Friday between the Hours of 8:30am and 12:30pm wear a mask or face covering as we continue to keep the children attending Sandcastle Preschool Safe. Individually wrapped masks continue to be made available on the table in the church entry.

Small Group Meetings/Bible Studies: 
We encourage Small Groups and Bible Studies to meet at Grace.  Please contact the church office to ensure the space you want is available  We ask that you continue to fill out the Orange Covid Sign in Sheet form and place it on the office staff desk.

Outside Organizations 
The reopening committee is  reviewing all request to use the Grace building on a case by case basis.  If you are interested in hosting an event at Grace, please contact Andrea in the office and she will forward the information on to the reopening team.

Entry Doors:
At this time all Entry doors are remaining locked.  Church staff is typically on site on Monday’s from 11-4 and Thursdays from 9-4 or by appointment.  If you do not have a key or the code to the lock box, please ring the door bell during normal office hours and a staff member will come open the door.

In Person Worship
We are continuing to host in Person and Live Stream Worship Services starting at 10am.  At this time we are still asking that individuals attending worship services continue to Social Distance in the pews and in the aisles/Narthex.  As weather gets nicer, we encourage attendees to bring conversations outside the building so that aisles, the church entry and the Narthex stay clear.

Please remember to log your attendance for viewing the worship service.  Attendance can be logged on:

Grace Lutheran Church worship services are being aired on Xfinity Cable channel 29 on Sunday’s at 10 am.  Services will air the previous weeks service.

Spread the word for people who can not access the worship services online.