Sun, April 24– 10 am – in person and Live Stream Worship Service 11:15 am – Adult Bible Study in Fireside Room Mon, April 25 –11am – 4pm – Office Staff on Site 5 pm – Private event in Ronnenkamp Hall evening – Private rehearsal in Sanctuary Tue, April 26 – 11:45 am – Ladies Luncheon 6:30 pm – Property Committee Meeting Thurs, April 28 – 9 am – 4pm – Office Staff on Site 11:30 – 1 pm – Coffee Hours with Kristin 12 pm – Wisdom Seekers Book Club via zoom 3 pm – Conversation in Spanish zoom meeting 7:30 pm – Music Rehearsal Sun, May 1– 10 am – in person and Live Stream Worship Service 11:15 am –Zoom Communion 11:15 am – Adult Bible Study in Fireside Room 3 pm – Private Event in Sanctuary 4:30 pm – Pot Luck
Ladies Luncheon
April 26, 2022 11:45am Gatherings Together Farms, 25159 Grange Hall Road, Philomath
May 10, 2022 11:45am New Morning Bakery
Adult Bible Study
God Frees and Redeems
Study for March – Mary
Adult Bible Study returns on the 24th.
Bible study starts following worship in the Fireside Room
First Sunday – Programming and Potluck
Our first Sunday of the month potluck will be held May 1, from 4:30-6:30pm, outside if weather permits, or in Ronnenkamp Hall if not. Bring your friends, a dish to share, and feel free to bring board and card games!
Lutheran World Relief Personal Care Kits
We are seeking Monetary Donations to build Care Kits for Lutheran World Relief.
Work Party Scheduled for Thursday, May 4 at 1:30pm in the Fireside Room
For more Information, please contact Marna Renshaw
Created Good
Our next Created Good gathering will be May 22, time TBA! Stay tuned for more details.
Julia Rankin (a Luther House student) will be present to share about her passion for theology and social justice, and to gather interest for future conversations between students and Grace members. If you are interested in connecting with our local college students, you won’t want to miss this!
Families of graduating seniors Graduation is almost here, and we want to commemorate our youth who will be graduating high school! Please send Kristin a photo of your senior with their name and what they plan to do after high school.
Grace will recognize our graduates on Sunday, June 5 during worship.
Summer Day Camp June 20-23, 9am-1pm
Grace will host a summer day camp for youth grades K-6. The theme this summer is “Secret Service,” and the theme verse comes from 1 John 3:18: “Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.” Registration forms will be available online and at the office at Grace by April 29. Registration is $10 per child. If you have questions, or are able to help organize or volunteer, please let Kristin or Shelly know!
New Christ in Our Home Devotional April – June 2022
Now Available in the Church Office and Church Entry
Global Book Club First Tuesday of each month at 1pm in via zoom. Please contact Mary Ann Matzke for zoom link.
Updated address are available for the following church members.
Bev Raze Frank Raze Kathryn Honey
Please contact the church office for these updated addresses
Out-and-About Office Hours Kristin will be available for “office hours” at Allan’s Coffee and Tea (2541 NW Monroe Ave), Thursdays from 11:30am-1pm. Drop in and say hi! If possible, please contact Kristin to set up a time.
If you are interested in a printed copy of the April 2022 issues of Grace Gatherings please contact the church office to have a copy mailed to you. Printed copies of Grace Gatherings, The Foundation Newsletter, and the Lenten and April events insert are now available in the church entry.
Deadline for Grace Gathering Articles is now the 15th of each month. In order to ensure your articles get into the current issue, please get all articles to Andrea in the church office on time.
If you need a book from the Grace Lutheran Church Library, we will get it to you!! Have you checked out the new online catalog yet? Try Or go to the Grace website, under Resources, click on Grace Library. Click on any book, then the button that says Ask About Becoming a Library Patron. Enter your name and email and/or phone and we will contact you.
Thank you to everybody who has been returning the blue bottle drop bags.
Grace Lutheran Church continues to have blue bottle drop<![if !vml]><![endif]> bags available for church members. All donations made through these special blue bottle drop bags and label will go directly towards the Ida Fund that assists with community members in need. Grace continues to hand out sack lunches on Monday and Thursdays. Emergency assistance for Gas, utility bills, and other needs continues to be available on Thursdays.
In 2021, Grace Lutheran Church has been able to raise over$1,000 towards the Ida fund that helps community members with emergency assistance such as gas vouchers, paying a bill, or other assistance.
Giving at a Glance Support the many ministries of Grace Lutheran
Contributions as of April 20, 2022
Contributions for the Month of April: $17,707; April Budget: $23,500; First 3 Weeks Giving: $17,707; Weekly Budget: $5,875 (4 weeks in Feb.); YTD contributions: $114,745; YTD budget: $109,875
Updated Covid-19 Protocols and information for the Church building. Updated March 25, 2022
Masks and Face Coverings Individuals entering Grace are encouraged but not required to wear a face covering for Worship Services. At this time, we are asking that individuals entering Grace Monday – Friday between the Hours of 8:30am and 12:30pm wear a mask or face covering as we continue to keep the children attending Sandcastle Preschool Safe. Individually wrapped masks continue to be made available on the table in the church entry.
Small Group Meetings/Bible Studies: We encourage Small Groups and Bible Studies to meet at Grace. Please contact the church office to ensure the space you want is available We ask that you continue to fill out the Orange Covid Sign in Sheet form and place it on the office staff desk.
Outside Organizations The reopening committee is reviewing all request to use the Grace building on a case by case basis. If you are interested in hosting an event at Grace, please contact Andrea in the office and she will forward the information on to the reopening team.
Entry Doors: At this time all Entry doors are remaining locked. Church staff is typically on site on Monday’s from 11-4 and Thursdays from 9-4 or by appointment. If you do not have a key or the code to the lock box, please ring the door bell during normal office hours and a staff member will come open the door.
In Person Worship We are continuing to host in Person and Live Stream Worship Services starting at 10am. At this time we are still asking that individuals attending worship services continue to Social Distance in the pews and in the aisles/Narthex. As weather gets nicer, we encourage attendees to bring conversations outside the building so that aisles, the church entry and the Narthex stay clear.
Grace Lutheran Church worship services are being aired on Xfinity Cable channel 29 on Sunday’s at 10 am. Services will air the previous weeks service.
Spread the word for people who can not access the worship services online.
Life without drinking is still possible during the COVID-19 Pandemic Corvallis—Local Alcoholics Anonymous groups have temporarily closed the doors of face-to-face meetings due to the coronavirus pandemic. However, those struggling with drinking are still in need of support during this difficult time. Those in need can still access the support AA provides through the local hotline and virtual meetings.
The local hotline number is (541) 967-4252. It is answered 24-hours a day, seven days a week by members of the local AA community. Many local and global AA groups are hosting meetings virtually. You can attend virtual meetings on your computer, smartphone, or by dialing in. Attendees will remain anonymous and need only introduce themselves by their first names.