What is happening at our church?
This Week at and away from Grace
When will we return to worship?
People seem to be longing for the time when we can gather in the nave at Grace Lutheran Church, look across the chancel at the friendly faces and commune together around the Table. When people have asked us when that will be, we just look at each other sheepishly, shrug our shoulders, and give a reply that evades the question. We have not set a target date to begin in-person worship at this time. At the same time, we have set up a task force that is looking into the way we will ease into opening for worship and opening the church building for Grace activities.The task force consists of President Bob Keith, Nancy Hemming, Rebekah Hadlock, Ron Larsen and the pastors. We will be enlisting the committees of the congregation and other volunteers to help us as we get the church ready to open. Our path is set to be gradual, cautious and thorough. You should also know, that we have already been discussing these things with the Congregational Council and the Oregon Synod Bishop’s Office, as well as consulting the resources from the State of Oregon, Benton County and the City of Corvallis. Our intent is to follow their safeguards.
More than that, we would like some input from you, the congregation members, to tell us your concerns and the sorts of precautions you would like to see us take. So write us a note. Send it by email to Bob Keith, our Congregational President, who is going to be the point person. keithr@peak.org You may send him a letter at the church office: ATTN: Bob Keith, Grace Lutheran Church, 435 NW 21st ST, Corvallis, OR 97330 regular mail. Or call him at 541-754-6391.
Last chance to send in graduate names!
We’re compiling a list of grads – if that’s you or someone you know (high school and beyond) please e-mail donnak@grace97330.org before June 10. We want to include nieces, nephews, godchildren, grandchildren, sons, daughters, friends – all are welcome! Please tell us the name of your graduate, their relationship to you, schools, degrees, honors, hopes & dreams, and anything else you’d like to
note.This is a fun list to see each year, and we’d love to include those you know. Look for our completed list in next month’s newsletter. Thanks so much!
The New Christ in Our Home Devotions are now available for July, August, and September.
Please contact the office if you would like one to be mailed to you. Please also designate if you would like standard print or large print.
the adult Bible Study will be starting a new book this month. If you are interested in joining the Adult bible study please contact Frank and Sue Davis to get added to the list.
The roses are in Full Bloom at Grace.
Drive over to our church parking lot and look at the roses. They are blooming on the parking lot side and the west side of the church (bring your kids along and take pictures). Pastor Wendell and Rebekah Hadlock would love to share your pictures on Facebook.
The American Red Cross Blood Drive will be held on Wednesday, June 24, 2020. Please contact Marna Renshaw at home at 541 286-4537 or her cell at
541-760-7174 for more information or to see current openings.Lets work together to make this blood drive successful and save lives.
To celebrate the Holy Trinity this Sunday, the presiding bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Elizabeth Eaton, will be our guest preacher this coming Sunday (6/7/2020).
Please also listen for our musicians who have prepared a special song.
Please watch for the Sunday, June 7, 2020 worship service that will be emailed out on Saturday.
The video link can also be found on our website at
or on our facebook at
Sunday, June 7, 2020 – Zoom Fellowship
Please watch for additional information on how to join and take part in this weeks Zoom Fellowship.
DVD’s for each Sunday’s worship video are available upon request. Please contact the church office to request a copy.
Please call 541-757-1600 or email at office@grace97330.org
If you are interested in a printed copy of the June issue of Grace Gatherings, please contact the church office to have a copy mailed to you.
Deadline Change:
Due to the current office hours, the deadline for articles for the July issue of Grace Gatherings has changed from June 20 to June 15.
Job Opening at Grace
We are currently seeking a new part time custodian to join our Grace Lutheran Church team.
For more information please see the full article in the June issue of Grace Gatherings or contact the church office at office@grace97330.org
Join us for Campfire!
All are invited to join us for campfire on Friday, June 19th at 7pm PST on Zoom. We will host one campfire per month in June, July & August using our summer 2020 curriculum. We have a great evening planned for campers, families, adults and all who love camp. Email office@lutherwoodoregon.org for a Zoom link & password to join the fun!
Giving at a Glance
Support the many ministries of Grace LutheranContributions as of May 22, 2020
Contributions for the Month of May: $ 25,262
Last Weeks Giving: $ 8,280
Weekly Budget: $ 7,300;
YTD contributions: $ 139,750;
YTD budget: $ 144,900
Free Face Masks available and Sewers Needed
From Elizabeth Wyatt & the CorvallisSewingBrigade:
We can help get cloth masks or face shields to anyone free of charge. Folks can go to bentoncounty.recovers.org and click on “I have a need” for the fastest turn around time and easy tracking for us (these requests come right to us). If you would like to volunteer to sew cloth face masks, the need is still very much alive! Info on how to volunteer can be found at CorvallisSewingBrigade.org
Here is an article and video if you or somebody you know is struggling with irritation from wearing a mask.
Press Release
Alcoholics Anonymous: COVID-19 ResponseLife without drinking is still possible during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Corvallis—Local Alcoholics Anonymous groups have temporarily closed the doors of face-to-face meetings due to the coronavirus pandemic. However, those struggling with drinking are still in need of support during this difficult time. Those in need can still access the support AA provides through the local hotline and virtual meetings.The local hotline number is (541) 967-4252. It is answered 24-hours a day, seven days a week by members of the local AA community.
Many local and global AA groups are hosting meetings virtually. You can attend virtual meetings on your computer, smartphone, or by dialing in. Attendees will remain anonymous and need only introduce themselves by their first names.To access both local and global meetings occurring online 24-hours a day, visit the District 21 website: https://aaoregon-district21.org/
More information about what AA is and does can be found at: https://www.aa.org/pages/en_US/what-is-aa