What is happening at our church?

This Week at and away from Grace

Church Council will be meeting via Zoom on Monday, May 11, 2020 at 6:00 pm

On this weeks worship video we are excited to welcome a musician. 

Please watch for the Sunday, May 10, 2020 worship service that will be emailed out on Saturday.

The video link can also be found on our website at 
or on our facebook at

Giving at a Glance
Support the many ministries of Grace Lutheran

Contributions as of April 30, 2020

Contributions for the Month of April: $ 27,011;
March budget: $ 30,500;
last 2 Weeks of Giving: $ 7,000;
Weekly Budget: $ 7,625;
YTD contributions:  $ 114,494;
YTD budget:  $ 115,700

Spring is in full bloom at Grace and because the Annual Clean Up was canceled, there is more work for the volunteers who regularly take care of the landscaping.  If you are interested in helping with the landscaping around Grace, please contact Ron Larson to schedule a time.

Free Face Masks and Sewers Needed

From Elizabeth Wyatt & the CorvallisSewingBrigade:
We can help get cloth masks or face shields to anyone free of charge.  Folks can go to bentoncounty.recovers.org and click on “I have a need” for the fastest turn around time and easy tracking for us (these requests come right to us).  If you would like to volunteer to sew cloth face masks, the need is still very much alive! Info on how to volunteer can be found at CorvallisSewingBrigade.org 

If you are interested in a printed copy of the May issue of Grace Gatherings, please contact the church office to have a copy mailed to you.

Press Release
Alcoholics Anonymous:  COVID-19 Response

Life without drinking is still possible during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Corvallis—Local Alcoholics Anonymous groups have temporarily closed the doors of face-to-face meetings due to the coronavirus pandemic. However, those struggling with drinking are still in need of support during this difficult time. Those in need can still access the support AA provides through the local hotline and virtual meetings.

The local hotline number is (541) 967-4252. It is answered 24-hours a day, seven days a week by members of the local AA community.
Many local and global AA groups are hosting meetings virtually.  You can attend virtual meetings on your computer, smartphone, or by dialing in. Attendees will remain anonymous and need only introduce themselves by their first names.

To access both local and global meetings occurring online 24-hours a day, visit the District 21 website:  https://aaoregon-district21.org/
More information about what AA is and does can be found at: https://www.aa.org/pages/en_US/what-is-aa


Camp Lutherwood

Join us for Campfire!
All are invited to join us for campfire on Friday, May 15th at 7pm PST on Zoom. This is the fourth campfire that we are hosting with songs, stories, skits and a message. Email office@lutherwoodoregon.org
for a Zoom link & password to join the fun.

What’s going on at Grace Lutheran? 
Check out our calendar, located on www.grace97330.org,
the weekly Sunday announcements, and our facebook page for current information. 
You are always welcome to call the church office with questions!