by Shelly | Aug 8, 2024 | Sermons
Seeking daily bread, Jesus offers himself Jesus says that the bread he gives for the life of the world is his flesh, and whoever eats this bread has eternal life now and will be raised on the last day. In Ephesians Paul tells us what this life Jesus gives us looks...
by Shelly | Aug 3, 2024 | Sermons
Seeking daily bread, Jesus offers himself Apparently not satisfied by Jesus’ feeding of thousands, some who were there press him for a sign of his power; perhaps it is daily manna they want. As always in John’s gospel when people want a sign, Jesus offers himself. He...
by Shelly | Jul 25, 2024 | Sermons
Bringing the kingdom of God Today is the first of five Sundays with gospel readings from John 6, the first four of which focus on Jesus as bread of life. Today Jesus feeds thousands of people with five loaves and two fish. What we have, what we bring to Jesus’ table,...