Seeking daily bread, Jesus offers himself
Jesus says that the bread he gives for the life of the world is his flesh, and whoever eats this bread has eternal life now and will be raised on the last day. In Ephesians Paul tells us what this life Jesus gives us looks like, this life we live as those marked with the seal of the Holy Spirit in baptism.
We live in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us. The whole purpose of life is giving yourself for the other.
Come, Holy Spirit! Alleluia!
Worship in person
or via Livestream
10:00 am
All are invited to attend. Meet and mingle afterwards with refreshments
Let us know that you worshiped online
God’s Work Our Hands
Saturday all are invited to help Luther House prepare the house to be a hospitable space to welcome students in the fall. We will bless that work Sunday in worship.
Offerings of Thanksgiving
While we are keeping physical social distance, there are still options for you to continue bringing your offerings to God and support the ministries of Grace.
Giving Options:
- Mail a check to church address below
- Online bill pay through your bank
- Online giving – Orange button