Serving each other as Christ does
Christ is risen!
This Sunday’s image of the life the risen Christ shares with us is the image of friendship.
We are called to serve others as Jesus came to serve; but for John’s gospel, the image of servanthood is too hierarchical, too distant, to capture the essence of life with Christ. Friendship captures the love, the joy, the deep mutuality of the relationship into which Christ invites us. The Greeks believed that true friends are willing to die for each other. This is the mutual love of Christian community commanded by Christ and enabled by the Spirit.
Worship in person or via Livestream
10:00 am
Coffee & nibbles are available following the service
Childcare is available
Worship Liturgy
Order of Worship & lessons
Let us know that you worshiped online
Offerings of Thanksgiving
While we are keeping physical social distance, there are still options for you to continue bringing your offerings to God and support the ministries of Grace.
Giving Options:
- Mail a check to church address below
- Online bill pay through your bank
- Online giving – Orange button