Grace will consecrate our pledges of Gratitude for our Abundant Blessings
A message from the Stewardship Team
October 11, 2021
Dear Congregation,
The biessings we have are astounding. In this year of change, we give our thanks for the many volunteers and leaders in ministry at Grace who have answered the Call to give their time and talents. We have been blessed with a new team of church staff supported by our interim Pastor Dorthy Nielsen to bring new energy to our mission in ministry. Further, our Mission Site Profile is complete and we are now forming the Call Committee that will work with the Oregon Bishop to bring a new Senior Pastor to lead Grace into the future.
In the last year, we have learned how to provide meaningful worship both to those attending safely in our sanctuary and in our homes through YouTube livestream, video recording or on local TV Channel 29. The Grace Alive! band has been replaced by the Sounds of Grace -led by our Director of Music and Worship Bryson Skaar and supported by our professional musicians, drummer Kelsey Bleck and pianist Sunghee Kim. The church is growing young, led by our Minister of Youth and Family Kristin Young. The Church Council is in the midst of exciting dialogue and discernment with Luther House to reshape the future of Lutheran Campus Ministry at Oregon State University. In July we completed the purchase of the last piece of rental property next to the church, creating a church campus encompassing the whole city block.
The Spirit is alive at Grace Lutheran and calling us to act in ways we could not have imagined even a year ago!
Please prayerfully consider and fill out your giving estimates for 2022, considering how God is calling you to support this important work. We will celebrate all of our giving estimates for-2022 on “Consecration Sunday” during our November 7th worship. Thanks be to God!
Your Stewardship Team -Dave Lundahl (Chair), Mary Stephens, Mary Ann
Brenan, Carol Warloe, Lew Nelsen, and Pastor Dorthy
Your Estimate of Giving for 2022
Your confidential estimate of giving can be shared at this form.