December 10: Turn around

December 10: Turn around

Remove barriers to bringing God’s kingdom John calls people to repent, to clear the decks, to completely reorder their lives so that nothing gets in the way of the Lord’s coming. The reading from Isaiah gives the context for this radical call: the assurance of...
December 3: Christ, break into this world with love

December 3: Christ, break into this world with love

Eager for God’s power to burst through Stir up your power, and come! The psalmist’s plea in Psalm 80:2 has become familiar to us in the Advent prayers. Isaiah wants God to rip the heavens open. Both cry out for an apparently distant, angry God to show up, to...
November 26: Jesus – an unconventional King

November 26: Jesus – an unconventional King

Christ rules as shepherd to serve and teach On this final Sunday of the church year our gospel is Jesus’ great story of judgment. In the end, the faithful are those who served Christ by ministering to those who are poor, hungry, naked, sick, or estranged. In the first...
November 19: Caring for Jesus

November 19: Caring for Jesus

Create signs of hope by using gifts for common good Our readings during November speak of the end times. Zephaniah proclaims that the coming day of the Lord will be filled with wrath and distress. Paul says it will come like a thief in the night and urges us to be...
November 12: Awaiting Christ in Community

November 12: Awaiting Christ in Community

Encourage one another with Christ’s promises Today the prophet Amos calls for justice to roll down like waters. Paul urges us to encourage one another with the promised coming of the Lord. Jesus tells the parable of the wise and foolish bridesmaids. Surrounded...
November 5: Honoring each other as God’s creation

November 5: Honoring each other as God’s creation

Honor each other with caring actions Micah declares God’s condemnation of those who abhor justice. Jesus warns against hypocrisy. Paul urges the Thessalonians to lead a life worthy of God. Called to be humble servants, we gather for worship, seeking justice and...