Cosmic Church Spirituality

How great that All Saints Day, November 1st falls on a Sunday this year. All Saints Day is All Saints Sunday rather than the Sunday closest to November 1st . During worship we especially remember those who have died during the past year as part of our celebration of...

Piece By Piece

How delightful it was to have Grace Lutheran serve as one of many hosting sites for Benton County’s Quilt County. What beautiful quilts brightened the walls of Ronnenkamp Hall this past month. It’s difficult to see the hall return to empty walls. As we make plans for...

Inquiring Minds in Service of the Gospel

O.K. Let’s face it. Corvallis is an academic community. It has more than its fair share of academicians. According to the “Visit Corvallis and Benton County” website, “More inventions pour out of Corvallis than most other cities in the nation, and “USA Today” listed...

Roses, Saints, and the Grace of God

“I pray . . . you may know what is the hope to which he has called you, what are the riches of his glorious inheritance among the saints . . .” –a portion of Ephesians 1:17-18 When Wendell and I first visited Grace Lutheran in November of 2008 and again in...

I will, and I ask God to help me

Continual Trust for a Continual, Mutual Commitment On the afternoon of May 3rd when Wendell and I were installed as your pastors, we were blessed to be surrounded by so many of you, by members of Grace, by family, by friends, by staff and by pastoral colleagues. The...