September 17:  God’s boundless mercy

September 17: God’s boundless mercy

Restoring relationships with love In today’s second reading Paul questions why we judge one another, since we all stand before the judgment of God. Yet we do sin against one another, and Jesus’ challenge that we forgive seventy-seven times reveals God’s boundless...
September 17:  God’s boundless mercy

September 10: Love required to live together

Restoring relationships with love Conflict is a part of relationships and life in community. Jesus’ words in today’s gospel are often used in situations having to do with church discipline. The prophet Ezekiel tells of warning the wicked to turn from their ways,...
September 3: Worship in the Park & Livestream

September 3: Worship in the Park & Livestream

Sacrificial Love The prophet Jeremiah speaks of the incurable wound of his suffering yet finds in God’s words the delight of his heart. When Peter doesn’t grasp Jesus’ words about suffering, Jesus tells the disciples they will find their lives in losing them. Such...
August 27 Worship – Building on the Rock

August 27 Worship – Building on the Rock

Declare our trust in Christ through word and deeds In Isaiah the people are advised to look to their spiritual ancestors as the rock from which they were hewn. Jesus declares that the church will be built on the rock of Peter’s bold confession of faith. God’s word of...
August 20 Worship – Seeing with faith

August 20 Worship – Seeing with faith

God sees and extends love to those seen as “other’ In Isaiah we hear that God’s house shall be a house of prayer for all people and that God will gather the outcasts of Israel. The Canaanite woman in today’s gospel is a Gentile, an outsider, who is...