A prayer for wisdom and finding the Kingdom of God
As Solomon prays for wisdom, we seek to more deeply know the treasures of faith. In today’s gospel Jesus offers everyday images that reveal to us the reign of God: a tree that becomes a sheltering home, yeast that penetrates and expands, a treasured pearl, a net that gains a great catch. Even as we seek the riches of God’s reign, the great surprise is that God’s grace finds us first!
Worship Liturgy
Learning Resources
Celebrate Holy Communion together “virtually”.
Please join with other worshipers and the pastors for this Sunday’s Communion service at 11:00 on ZOOM via computer, tablet or smart phone.
You simply need to have ready your own wine, grape juice, or apple juice as you choose, in a separate glass for each person. And have a piece of bread of your choice, or wafer, or cracker as you choose.
If you didn’t receive an email to join us this Sunday, you may find the ZOOM login information to login by entering your name and email in the green form.
Watch the worship service for this week here.
Worship Liturgy
Opening Song: LBW#622 “Neither Death nor Life,” 1, 2, 3
Apostolic Greeting
Prayer of the Day
Children’s Message:
First Lesson 1 Kings 3:5-12
Second Reading: Romans 8:26-39
Alleluia New, “Hallelujah! We Sing Your Praises,”
Gospel Matthew 13:31-33, 44-52
Message What is Right?”
Message Hymn – LBW#781 “Children of the Heavenly Father” vs 1, 2, 3,
Prayer of the Faithful
Lord’s Prayer
Final Blessing
Postlude – French Suite No. 6, in E Mag., Menuet & Bouree, J. S. Bach
Prayer of the Day
Beloved and sovereign God, through the death and resurrection of your Son you bring us into your kingdom of justice and mercy. By your Spirit, give us your wisdom, that we may treasure the life that comes from Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord.
Readings & Psalm
1 Kings 3:5-12
Solomon’s prayer for wisdom
Psalm 119:129-136
When your word is opened, it gives light and understanding. (Ps. 119:130)
Romans 8:26-39
Nothing can separate us from God’s love
Matthew 13:31-33, 44-52
Parables of the reign of heaven
Learning Resources
Learn more with the additional resources in this post. Click through this post to find the materials.
Nativity Event 2021
Drive-through Nativity Story Saturday, December 18, 5:00pm - 8:30 pm This year we will again tell the story of Jesus' birth outside in lights, art, music, and a living creche scene. Come enjoy a colorful lighted series of signs and characters that show and tell the Biblical Nativity story with classical Christmas carols as you pass slowly through the parking lot. The story of Christ's birth will be told in lighted signs and figures lining the path from the entry of the Grace...
Offerings of Thanksgiving
While we are keeping physical social distance, there are still options for you to continue bringing your offerings to God and support the ministries of Grace.
Giving Options:
- Mail a check to church address below
- Online bill pay through your bank
- Online giving – Orange button
Go in peace to love and serve the Lord!
We thank the following for today’s flowers: Michael & Sandy Beachley
Liturgy and Hymns, Arr. © 2020 Augsburg Publishing House, admin. Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved. Reprinted by permission under Augsburg Fortress Liturgies Annual License #SAS000406.
“Neither Death nor Life,” Text and music © 2001 by GIA Publications, Inc. Used by permission, One License.Net # A-706744
New Revised Standard Version Bible, Copyright © 1989, Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
“Children of the Heavenly Father” text, Text © 1925 Board of Publication, Lutheran Church in America, admin. Augsburg Fortress, see above; Music Public Domain.
“Take My Life,” Text, Public Domain; Music, Music © 1999 Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved, see above.CCLI License #1496662