We follow the story of God’s love in Christ through death to life!
Palm Sunday –
March 28 10am via YouTube
Worship post with YouTube link
Maundy Thursday
April 1 7pm
Worship service via Zoom to celebrate communion together
Please prepare your communion elements and have them at hand when the service starts.
Worship post with Zoom link
Good Friday
Good Friday pre-recorded service offered by ELCA Region 1 bishops.
1A: Bishop Shelley Wickstrom, Alaska Synod
1B: Bishop Shelley Bryan Wee, NW Washington Synod
1C: Bishop Rick Jaech, SW Washington Synod
1D: Bishop Kristen Kuempel, NW Intermountain Synod
1E: Bishop Laurie Larson Caesar, Oregon Synod
1F: Bishop Laurie Jungling, Montana Synod
View the video below
Follow along with the bulletin
Click here to download.
Easter Vigil
We join on-site and outside for a drop-in meditative time awaiting the joyous morning of resurrection.
Come for Live music, readings and prayers while observing safe distances and wearing masks.
On-site from 7 - 9 pm
Worship post with YouTube link
Celebrate Holy Communion together “virtually”.
Please join with other worshipers and the pastors for this Sunday’s Communion service at 11:00 on ZOOM via computer, tablet or smart phone.
You simply need to have ready your own wine, grape juice, or apple juice as you choose, in a separate glass for each person. And have a piece of bread of your choice, or wafer, or cracker as you choose. If you didn’t receive an email to join us this Sunday, you may find the ZOOM login information to login by entering your name and email in the green form.
Learning Resources
Learning Resources
Learn more with the additional resources in this post. Click through this post to find the materials.
Children and Youth January Newsletter
Link for Discovery Days: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/grace-kids-discovery-days-tickets-1131250082449?aff=oddtdtcreator Many thanks, Shae Parsons Director of Youth and Family Ministries They/Them | shae@grace97330.org | 314.526.1167
Offerings of Thanksgiving
While we are keeping physical social distance, there are still options for you to continue bringing your offerings to God and support the ministries of Grace.
Giving Options:
- Mail a check to church address below
- Online bill pay through your bank
- Online giving – Orange button