Upending power structures in the world by embracing God’s love for all
The word of God is a refining fire. Jesus is the great divide in human history. He invites our undivided attention and devotion. Today in worship we are surrounded by a great “cloud of witnesses.” In the word and in holy communion we are invited yet again to look to Jesus, “the pioneer and perfecter of our faith.”
This Sunday we celebrate the baptism of a new young brother in Christ!
Worship via Livestream
Worship with Grace In-Person (with Communion) or Virtually
10:00 am
Worship Liturgy
Order of Worship & lessons
Holy Communion is offered every Sunday in person.
Find all livestreamed services on Grace’s YouTube channel
Offerings of Thanksgiving
While we are keeping physical social distance, there are still options for you to continue bringing your offerings to God and support the ministries of Grace.
Giving Options:
- Mail a check to church address below
- Online bill pay through your bank
- Online giving – Orange button