When will we return to worship?
People seem to be longing for the time when we can gather in the nave at Grace Lutheran Church, look across the chancel at the friendly faces and commune together around the Table. When people have asked us when that will be, we just look at each other sheepishly, shrug our shoulders, and give a reply that evades the question. We have not set a target date to begin in-person worship at this time. At the same time, we have set up a task force that is looking into the way we will ease into opening for worship and opening the church building for Grace activities.
The task force consists of President Bob Keith, Nancy Hemming, Rebekah Hadlock, Ron Larsen and the pastors. We will be enlisting the committees of the congregation and other volunteers to help us as we get the church ready to open. Our path is set to be gradual, cautious and thorough. You should also know, that we have already been discussing these things with the Congregational Council and the Oregon Synod Bishop’s Office, as well as consulting the resources from the State of Oregon, Benton County and the City of Corvallis. Our intent is to follow their safeguards.
More than that, we would like some input from you, the congregation members. Please, tell us your concerns and the sorts of precautions you would like to see us take. What is essential for you to feel comfortable in the building with other people?
So write us a note.
Send it by email to Bob Keith, our Congregational President, keithr@peak.org. Bob will be the point person.
You may send him a letter at the church office: ATTN: Bob Keith, Grace Lutheran Church, 435 NW 21st ST, Corvallis, OR 97330 regular mail. Or call him at 541-754-6391.
You can also write us a note here.
Wendell Hendershott (he/him/his)
Grace Lutheran Church