Learning Resources for Reformation

“The Freedom of a Christian” Study
Local discussion group now forming!
Dive a little deeper into one of the ground-breaking, thought-shaping works of Lutheran theology as the ELCA invites our whole church body to study and reflect on Martin Luther’s “The Freedom of a Christian” in 2020, its 500th anniversary year. You can download an annotated version of Luther’s writing and the ELCA’s study guide here: https://www.elca500.org
This work is suitable for self-study – but if you’d value conversation with others tying Luther’s thought of 500 years ago with questions and issues that rise up today, please consider joining our local study group. Contact Deaconess Donna King at donnak@grace97330.org by Reformation Day (10/31) if you’d like an invitation to the introductory meeting.

Reformation Day Global Prayer Service
Tune in to “One Body, One Spirit, One Hope” this Reformation Day (10/31.) LWF Youth from around the world will lead us in a liturgy that focuses on baptism, which reconciles us to God and all creation. You can register for the zoom event or find a link to watch the livestream on Facebook here:

Global Young Reformers Network
Check out the amazing work Lutheran youth and young adults are doing around the globe through Lutheran World Federation:

Luther and the Reformation Video
Catch up with some Lutheran & world history through this popular Rick Steves TV Special. It’s now on YouTube for you to enjoy:

2003 Full movie on YouTube
with Joseph Fiennes, Joseph Molina, and Peter Ustinov
Looking for a way to think theologically about the upcoming election?

The Political Responsibility of the Church
from the Oregon Synod, ELCA
Wednesday, October 28, 3:30–5:00 pm Pacific Time on Zoom.
Led by Rev. Dr. Mark Brocker of St. Andrew Lutheran in Beaverton. Pr. Brocker has a PhD in Christian Ethics focusing on Dietrich Bonhoeffer, and has written a book on ecological ethics called “Coming Home to Earth.” Register here:

Jesus and the Election
Living Lutheran, October 23, 2020
Grounded in grace – November 2020
Contrary to popular belief, Christians do not enter a voting booth alone. <READ MORE>