God revealed in human form

Within the gospel reading’s profound words lies the simple message that God is revealed in a human person. Though we may try to understand how the Word existed with God from the beginning of time, the wonder we celebrate at Christmas is that the Word continues to dwell among us. Christ comes among us in the gathered assembly, the scriptures, the waters of new birth, and the bread and the wine. Through these ordinary gifts we receive the fullness of God’s grace and truth.

Come, Holy Spirit!       Alleluia!


10:00 am in person or via livestream

All are invited to full participation. Childcare is available during worship

A Potluck will follow the service with an all ages White Elephant Bingo game.

Let us know that you worshiped online

Offerings of Thanksgiving

There are many ways for you to express your gratitude for God’s bounty in your life.  Grace provides methods below to bring your offerings to God and support the ministries of Grace.

Giving Options:

  • Mail a check to church address below
  • Online bill pay through your bank
  • Online giving – Orange button

Go in peace to love and serve the Lord!