Proclaiming Jesus’s words of life

In today’s gospel many people take offense at Jesus’ invitation to eat his flesh and drink his blood; even many of Jesus’ disciples peel off. This is the backdrop in John’s gospel for Peter’s confession of faith. “To whom can we go?” asks Peter, in words we sometimes sing just before the gospel is read. “You have the words of eternal life.” In order to take such a stand, as Peter and Joshua did, Paul tells us to arm ourselves with the word of God.

We pray in the Spirit that we might be bold ambassadors of the gospel.

Come, Holy Spirit!       Alleluia!

Worship in person

or via Livestream

10:00 am

All are invited to attend.  Meet and mingle afterwards with refreshments

Let us know that you worshiped online

Offerings of Thanksgiving

While we are keeping physical social distance, there are still options for you to continue bringing your offerings to God and support the ministries of Grace.

Giving Options:

  • Mail a check to church address below
  • Online bill pay through your bank
  • Online giving – Orange button

Go in peace to love and serve the Lord!