Ministry Areas to Serve All
The opportunities to participate in God’s work
through and with Grace Lutheran Church are abundant!
Contact the church office for more information.
We gather together to..
- Pray and praise God,
- Hear good news, and
- Be strengthened for our journey.
Weekly services are the foundation of our Christian community and result from many hands and hearts working together.
You can contribute to worship at Grace.
Words of Worship
Read designated Bible verses during worship services.
Children’s Time
Present children’s message during worship services throughout the Church Year.
Act out Biblical dramas during worship services.
Music Groups – Learn More
Worship Support
· Greeters
Greet worship attendees at worship services and provide ongoing contact with visitors.
· Ushers
Assist with worship seating and offering collections.
· Altar Guild
This team prepares and cares for all materials related to communion and the altar area. They prepare the bread & wine for communion, clean vessels, and care for altar area linens.
· Acolytes
Assist with worship candle lighting and communion.
· Communion Assistants
Assist with communion at worship services throughout the Church Year.
· Grace On the Move
Drive those without transportation on Sunday mornings . Church Office 541-757-1600
· Tellers
Help count Sunday offerings on Mondays.
- How do we hear Christ’s call?
- What are God’s dreams for the world?
- What is the Spirit stirring up here?
- How do we participate?
These questions guide Discipling Ministries in the mission to equip and coach participants to follow Christ into our community and world.
Adult Spiritual Formation
· Adult Education Courses
Adult Education offers a wide variety of Sunday morning classes. Bible study and special interest topics help prepare and equip our hearts and minds for Christ-like living. A team helps select study topics and recruit facilitators. Join in any class on Sunday or help select or teach courses.
Some past topics include: Book of Faith: Daily Discipleship, ELCA Sexuality Study, and a fun inter-generational class called “Who’s this Martin Luther dude?”
· Bible Study group
Check the calendar for current time
· Partners in Faith
Monthly social gatherings of folks of all adult ages hosted in the Fireside Room & at various homes.
· Women’s Ministries
4th Tuesday Women’s Luncheon
Meets for lunch at New Morning Bakery on the 4th Tuesday of the month, 11:45 am.
2nd Thursday Out-to-Lunch Bunch
Meets at a different restaurant each month at 11:45 am. All women of Grace and their guests are welcome.
· Men’s Ministries
Men of Grace meet occasionally for outdoor recreation or special projects. A key project is building wooden Faith Hope Chests to be given to youth. They also sponsor the annual Salmon Bake and Chili-Cook Off congregational events.
· Sonrise Bible Study
Ecumenical study group (founded by St. Mary’s Catholic Church) studies the books of the Bible using various study guide materials. 6:30 to 7:30 a.m. Tuesdays, Downtown Beanery
Dreaming God’s Dreams! Sensing the Spirit!
Following Christ!
How do we reach out to others in proclaiming God’s Good News in word and deed?
Welcoming GELCO Team – The Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church Outreach team welcomes first time visitors. Help the team and get to know potential new members!
Quilting Group – Handmade quilts are distributed by Vina Moses to those in need.
Garfield School Supply – Members of Grace annually provide school supplies for Garfield Elementary Students.
Thanksgiving Baskets – Baskets are put together by members of Grace and distributed to Corvallis families in need.
Oregon Family Support Network – Provides support groups and teen social opportunities for families with children who have behavioral, mental health and other health needs.
Community Outreach Inc. Provides emergency shelter & services for the community.
Luther House Campus Ministry – Luther House, OSU Lutheran Campus Ministry, founded Grace Lutheran Church. Grace supports this ministry financially, through volunteer service on the Luther House Board, and by partnering with Luther House in our service to students.
Regional & Global Ministries
Christmas Giving Tree – Gifts are sent to the House of Zion in Woodburn, Oregon
Global Ministries – Grace supports missions through organizations like Lutheran World Relief and the ELCA Hunger Appeal, as well as actively participating in mission trips through Faith In Practice.
Caring Ministries
- How do we follow Jesus in promoting health?
- What is the Spirit stirring up here?
Our mission is to promote health and wellness within the Grace fellowship and to the community, manifesting caring and using the disciplines of worship, service and education.
- How do we participate?
Emphasis in Caring Ministry are:
Parish Wellness Team, Visitation Ministry, Support & Encouragement, Prayer Ministry, and the Interfaith Care-giving Ministry.
Parish Health
Our Parish Health Minister is trained to coordinate health promotion at Grace and the community, through the following types of efforts:
- American Red Cross blood drives
Visitation Ministry
Volunteer visitation activities serve especially the sick & home-bound, members living in convalescent, nursing or retirement centers and not attending worship services regularly.
If you or a loved one is hospitalized or could benefit by visitation, please call the coordinators listed or the church. You may also volunteer to be a minister.
- Hospital Visitation Ministry
Volunteers schedule one week a month for regular hospital visits, or as requested.
- Home-bound Eucharistic Ministry
Volunteer Eucharistic ministers share communion with members who are homebound.
- Home-bound Visitation Ministry and CD Ministries
Audio recordings on CDs of Sunday worship services are brought to homebound members.
- Home Touch newsletter
Weekly devotions and puzzles sent to homebound.
- Mailing of booklets
“Journey Through Grief” to members in mourning.
- Grace on the Move
Volunteer drivers pick up members needing transportation to church on Sunday. Church Office
- Hospitality
Holiday church suppers and church receptions by a hospitality team
- Prayer Shawl Ministry
This ministry makes shawls for those in need of comfort & prayer. Lessons are available.
Healing Prayer during Sunday worship
Prayer ministers offer prayers of healing for anyone who requests a prayer for themselves or for others.
Prayer Chain
Sends e-mail notices of prayer concerns to all wishing to intercede for others.
- How do we make the building welcoming and useful?
- How do we make the parish operations open and available to all?
- How does God guide our decision–making for Grace?
- How do we participate?
- How does God guide our stewardship of Grace, physically and financially?
Parish Operations provides simple ways to volunteer and be part of church life. The Congregational Council oversees this aspect of our ministry.
- Office Administration The Office Administrator and Office Assistant oversee the daily functioning of the church office. They prepare letters, bulletins, documents, mailings and other communications . Volunteers help by substituting for Carol and Jody when needed. Reception, room scheduling, voice and email are handled through the church office.
- Communications
Communications team cares for the church sign, advertising, Grace Gatherings, web design, computer maintenance, and others. Your interest and expertise is invited.
- Financial Operations
The Congregational Council prepares a budget for approval by the congregation at the annual meeting . Oversight of income and expenses is provided by the church treasurer and financial secretary. Financial records are maintained by the bookkeeper and the financial secretary. Volunteers help by being Tellers for offerings and by helping with the stewardship campaign.
- Grace Foundation Board has stewardship over Foundation assets to be used toward special ministry opportunities or needs fitting the mission of Grace. The Board considers funding requests monthly as they are received. Applications for use of funds are available in the church office. Board members are approved by the church council.
- Stewardship Team
This ministry’s major focus is to plan and to coordinate the concentrated annual appeal for member information and financial support for the mission of the congregation. The team then provides information to all the ministries of Grace to ensure that people’s time and talents are matched to the many areas of need. 541-757-1600
Property Committee
Church Maintenance
Lighting, Custodian
Facilities and Property Development
- Individual members or small groups take on these responsibilities and there are current projects needing you!
- A paid custodian cleans the bathrooms and some floors.
- Work parties are held throughout the year to do special projects in the church building and yards.
- Individuals care for spaces outside the church building, on the church property. Sign up using the form on reverse side. Space responsibilities include weeding, mowing, planting or whatever the volunteer is inspired to do.
- Stan Miles maintains the rose gardens.
Volunteers are needed on any of these teams.