Caring for the Ministry of Grace: "Ecclesia Perpetua"
June 2020

Board of Directors

Carolyn Warloe


Shelly Lundahl


Hal Dick


Michael Beachley


Kris Saathoff


Bill Strohlein


Kathy Vohland


Jeff Beck

Ex officio

Pastor Wendell

Ex officio

Joy Linn

Administrative Asst.

The Grace Lutheran
Church Foundation is
a professionally
managed corporate
nonprofit foundation
established by Grace
Evangelical Lutheran
Church, Corvallis,


Imagining Ministry Changes
and Stretching

By Shelly Lundahl

A few months ago, most people imagining ministry at Grace probably pictured group events – a filled sanctuary in Sunday worship, large Sunday School classes, summer day camp, many group services projects, large gatherings for picnics, salmon bakes, and many small groups meeting at the church. Faithful donors to the GLC Foundation over many years probably imagined supporting similar scenes for sharing God's word and love far into the future. We now find ourselves in a scenario that no one imagined, even a few months ago, which is stretching everyone to stay connected and share ministry in new ways.

Amidst the current disruptive period, we've experienced phases of grief and adjustment while missing events and being with our friends, family, and faith community physically. The closures due to the COVID-19 pandemic have pushed us to adjust our congregation communications and use other methods that minimize in-person contact. Thus, we are working to provide worship experiences through videos, hold meetings via Zoom, and rely on more emails, social media, and digital platforms for teams. We are fortunate to live in a time when connecting through digital technology is widespread among most people; there's been a steep learning curve for some. The Foundation provided resources for a new camera and software to support production of digital worship videos and live streaming in the future. Digital worship is brand new to Grace and one way to keep connections through this transition while we imagine the next steps. It's evolving and exciting as we learn what is most helpful for people and workable to produce.

We are deeply grateful for past donors' faith and generosity that is visible today in the resources managed by Foundation. The Grace Lutheran Church Foundation exists because people imagined and believed in God's ministry at Grace and wanted to provide support for the new opportunities or challenges that come along. When we imagine future ministry at Grace, our imagination is now expanded by the current situation - the impact of shutdown and the resulting community creativity. We can't anticipate all the future needs, but we can trust that God will multiply whatever gifts we contribute to provide for sharing His kingdom of love. With the Spirit at work, what new opportunities will our gifts find?

Let us not be vexed by the virus but challenged by change and flexible in stretching to new mission and ministry.

In Service to the Ministry of Christ's Church

Grace Lutheran Church Foundation
Financial Report

January 1 - March 31, 2020


Foundation Total Assets *





Projects Approved, Pending, and Paid
MIF4KIDZ Baptism "donations" for
    children under age 16, $50 each
Giving It Forward Initiative
    1:1 matching funds, 2017 grant
Video camera and equipment (50%)
    Technology Fund




Memorial Funds
Ronnenkamp Hall light replacement
H. Werth memorial sculpture
    H. Werth memorials
Video camera and equipment (50%)

      Total Projects $19,612.58

* The Foundation's total assets on January 1, 2020, were $659,308.65.

Foundation Dollars at Work

New Ronnenkamp Hall LED lights

The Board of Directors acknowledges the generosity of the following donors:

December 2019

In Memory of Ruth Alexander

Diane Alexander, Arlington, VA
William and Diane Alexander, Concord, CA

In Memory of Jim Norlie

Toshi and Iseko-Lisa Minoura, Corvallis, OR

In Memory of Eldon Erickson

David and Laura Metzger, Salem, OR

In Memory of Paul and Dorothy Weswig

Charles and Lynetta Weswig, Portland, OR

In Memory of Anna Upenieks

Judy and Sally Winkler, Corvallis, OR

January 2020

Cathy Mueller, Corvallis, OR

In Memory of Anna Upenieks

Kathy Farnsworth, Corvallis, OR
Mary and John Meade, Chagrin Falls, OH
Gloria Werth, Corvallis, OR

To the Ronnenkamp Endowment

Kris and Carol Warloe, Corvallis, OR

February 2020

Juan Guzman, Corvallis, OR
Netsie Griffith and Wendell Hendershott,
    Corvallis, OR

March 2020

In Memory of Bob Schonig

Lynn and Tiffany Edwards, Bend, OR

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