Caring for the Ministry of Grace: "Ecclesia Perpetua"
December 2020

Board of Directors

Carolyn Warloe


Shelly Lundahl


Hal Dick


Michael Beachley


Kris Saathoff


Bill Strohlein


Kathy Vohland


Jeff Beck

Ex officio


Ex officio

Joy Linn

Administrative Asst.

The Grace Lutheran
Church Foundation is
a professionally
managed corporate
nonprofit foundation
established by Grace
Evangelical Lutheran
Church, Corvallis,


To Plant an Apple Tree

By Michael Beachley

Among the more noteworthy quotes from Martin Luther is this marvelous gem:
            "Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces,
            I would still plant my apple tree."

We can find many different meanings attached to this quote. Some would say that the world is what it is and it is for us to simply live in the moment, and to do so in the fullest. It also means that we should concern ourselves with the things over which we have some real influence or concern. Even deeper is the notion that whatever, whenever, and wherever it is, it is God's to determine, and ours to discern and follow.

But a simpler meaning is one of Hope. We really don't know what the future looks like. Oh, we have some inkling from time to time, especially in those "thin places" we are blessed to experience on occasion. But we do make choices and perform actions that contribute to what the future looks like. Most of the time choices are made without a full understanding of the outcome. And we do it because it is the right thing to do, or it will make the world a better place or for myriad other reasons. But all are done so in Hope. Hope is a most valuable gift because it ties together our actions and choices to the potential of the future.

And so, we plant the apple tree. Anyway. Regardless. In Hope.

As we look around ourselves in the Time of COVID, we have had to come to the understanding that the world has changed dramatically and brought into question many of the fundamental standards of our lives. We have had to make choices, perform actions, do things that we had never, ever considered we would be doing. It is amazing to see how quickly and how successfully our whole society has changed, even though such change is fraught with challenges and conflicts.

But we have a gift, a gift that has given rise to Hope. A gift that keeps on giving. A gift that will see us through this challenge, this Time of COVID. And that gift is Faith. Faith is evident in this congregation when we see all of us coming together, being a community in spite of the disruption, uncertainty, even fear that this day and age has presented to us. It is palpable to see this Faith as we continue our lives together, even though it is ZOOM-ing together, and our parishioners and our leadership are acting out of Hope that rises from our Faith.

From Hebrews 11:1, "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."

This is a key tenet of Lutheran theology. And this Faith is what keeps us moving forward, continuing to continue, to "Plant my apple tree."

Continued on next page

In Service to the Ministry of Christ's Church

Grace Lutheran Church Foundation
Financial Report

January 1 - September 30, 2020


Foundation Total Assets *





Projects Approved, Pending, and Paid
MIF4KIDZ Baptism "donations" for
    children under age 16, $50 each
Giving It Forward Initiative
    1:1 matching funds, 2017 grant
Video camera and equipment (50%)
    Technology Fund
Computer for streaming
Furniture Share
    Roger Lindquist regular fund $500





Memorial Funds
Ronnenkamp Hall light replacement
H. Werth memorial sculpture
    H. Werth memorials
Video camera and equipment (50%)
Computer for streaming

      Total Projects $23,139.56

* The Foundation's total assets on January 1, 2020, were $659,308.65.

To Plant an Apple Tree

The Grace Foundation is created precisely to be part of that Faith. It is a sacred trust for the foundation to care for the Hopes of many who are acting-out their Faith for the future of this congregation's ministry. The Foundation will continue beyond all of us in fulfilling these hopes. We invite you to consider this Foundation as part of your life planning, and especially to do so in this strange time. In simpler words, please consider planting your apple tree.

When you have questions about contribution to the Foundation, please contact any of the members of the board for a private and confidential conversation that may help you to envision what you may wish to do, and how you may do it. Please feel free to inquire. We are always pleased to assist in these decisions.

Preparing a Grace Livestream Worship - Bruce and Mary Stephens are at the computers showing the VMix software that takes the input from the two PTZOptics Broadcast cameras for producing the video data stream. The computer, cameras, and software were funded by the Foundation. In addition, with the new recording equipment, Grace has recorded the Corvallis-OSU Piano International Live & Local performances.

Typically, Bruce runs the sound board, Mary directs the cameras, and Shelly Lundahl operates the VMix production sequence. Photos were taken by Shelly, also part of the tech team, usually middle chair.

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