Annual Report
Grace Lutheran Church Foundation
January 2024

YOUR Foundation at Work in 2023 in the Church - Community - State - World

Over the past 28 years or so, the generosity of the congregants of Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church have built an amazing resource: Grace Lutheran Church Foundation. During 2023, YOU did good works in all sorts of areas.


Supported humanitarian efforts in Uzhhorod, Ukraine, through the efforts of Corvallis Sister City. (Funding source: Ronnenkamp Fund, $3,000.00)


Helped eliminate medical debt for Oregonians through the Hope and Healing Campaign. (Funding source: Brian Smith Medical Fund, $1,500.00)


Helped fund Luther House's celebration welcoming their new pastor, Pr. Hallie Parkins. (Funding source: Ronnenkamp Fund, $574.37)

Enabled Volunteer Interfaith Caregivers to join the 21st century with updated computers and software to help their operations. (Funding source: Storvick Parish Nurse Fund, $1,500.00)

Supported a family struggling with medical expenses. (Funding source: Brian Smith Medical Fund, $1,500)

Participated in Lutheran Campus Ministry's "New Life Awaits" campaign which is helping them gain a stable financial footing. (Funding source: Ronnenkamp Fund, $6,000.00)

Provided a grant to Stone Soup Corvallis to help feed those in need in our community. (Funding source: General Fund, $1,000.00)

Provided funding to We Care, a Benton County organization that provided financial aid for Benton County residents at risk of eviction or loss of utilities due to job loss, illness, or other challenges. (Funding source: Roger W. Lindquist Regular Fund, $1,000.00)

Made a grant to the Ida Fund, the pastor's discretionary Fund, for gas vouchers, utilities assistance, car insurance and registration fees, rent, phone cards, etc. (Funding source: Roger W. Lindquist Regular Fund, $1,500.00)


Paid to improve and beautify the 21st Street entrance with new Plantings. (Funding source: Ronnenkamp Fund, $5,049.97)

Made the new altar handrails possible. (Funding source: Memorial Fund, $1,175.78)

Helped the Hospitality and Property Committees with their renovations of the hospitality storage area. (Funding source: Ronnenkamp Fund, $1,104.57)

Continued to fund the employment of the visual production assistant and audio technician which facilitate services and other activities. (Funding source: Ronnenkamp Fund, $4,670.10)

The Congregation, through gifts to the Foundation, is doing good work everywhere!

Foundation Board 2023: Hal Dick (secretary), Kris Saathoff, Shelly Lundahl (treasurer), Mary Ann Brenan, Patrick Schroeder, Carolyn Warloe (president), and Michael Beachley. Ex officio members: Jeff Beck and Pr. Dorthy Nielsen. Joy Linn is our Administrative Assistant and author of this report.

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